Tag: Ghouta @en
Statement of solidarity with the Syrian revolution – One year after Ghouta
We hereby share a current statement of solidarity with the Syrian Revolution that was initiated by the Syrian Revolution Support Bases. Adopt a Revolution supports this call for solidarity, roughly one year after the fatal chemical attack on Ghouta that took the lives of more than 1,000 Syrians. To sign…
A Statement from the Family of Lawyer and Human Rights Activist Razan Zeitouneh
December 15, 2013 In the Name of God It's been six days since our daughter, Razan Zeitouneh, her husband; activist Wael Hamada, activist Samira Khalil and activist Nazim Hamadi were abducted. For six days we have been going through what so many other Syrians have already experienced: the bitterness and…
Why the West is Wrong on Syria – Razan Zeitouneh
On 10 December human rights lawyer and activist Razan Zaitouneh was abducted from the office of the Syrian Human Rights Violations Documentation Center (VDC) in Douma, Damascus. We are appalled by this! Not only are we working closely with her for the past two years, but she also is one…
Urgent Appeal to Support Eastern Ghouta – Razan Zeitouneh
Razan Zaitouneh 3 September 2013 There is no area in Syria –whether liberated, besieged or experiencing confrontations with the regime– that does not need aid at all levels. These words are not intended to divert the little attention directed to a few liberated areas in Syria, but aim to pay…