The Kurdish Students’ Union (UKSS) published a statement as an answer to the Syrian coalition naming PYD, the most influential party in the Kurdish coined part of Syria, an “Anti-Syrian Revolution Organisation” and a “supporter of the Assad regime. The press release caused many debates within the Syrian opposition about the policies of the coalition and especially touched on Kurdish sentiments.
In the following, we document the statement of UKSS.
On the attitude of the Syrian coalition from the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) and Kurdish Protection Forces (YPG)
Most of the youth and student movements since the beginning of the Syrian crisis were looking forward to see the Syrian National Council and after that the Syrian Coalition to be able to meet the aspirations of the Syrian people and representing them internally and externally, and to recognize the rights of all the components of Syria “clearly and bravely” and to be free from the authoritarian and exclusionary policies. The failure of the coalition since its inception and so far in recognizing the legitimate rights of the Kurdish people and failing repeatedly in combining the Kurdish political parties and other constituents to the body of the coalition “in a fair and a transparent manner,” led to the loss of confidence in thd coalition and in its ability to play any real political, diplomat and futuristic role in local and international forums.
The statement that issued by the Syrian coalition on 11.13.2013 against the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) and the Kurdish Popular Forces (YPG) reflects the lack of experience, knowledge and indifference to the decision-makers in this coalition, because this statement carries a clear signal to the support of the coalition to “ISIS and other terrorist groups” and calls indirectly to the fierce sectarian civil war between the Kurd and the non-Kurd.
We in the Union of Kurdish Students in Syria-UKSS assure all International Governments, all legal organizations locally and internationally, that the Kurdish Democratic Union Party is a legal party like any other Kurdish party exists in the Kurdish region “of northern Syria” and its legitimacy derived from the civilians in this region. Also, without the existence of the Kurdish Popular Forces (YPG) , the radical Islamic groups would have been destroyed long ago the region in northern Syria and deported its citizenry. We also reject any internal or external statements categorizing any Kurdish party or any other civil or student Kurdish entity of being hostile to the revolution or to other components of Syria, and we consider these statements baseless , encouraging chaos and sectarian strife between the sons of one homeland.
We might disagree with the Kurdish parties policies and with some civic organizations politically and ideologically on the ground inside Syria, but we assure everyone that this cannot prevent us to tell the the facts, especially if it is completely non-professional statements or actions which may cause sectarian wars among the siblings of same region. Therefore, we call upon all Arab, Christian, Kurdish parties and all the components of Syria to keen on the future of the country and condemn this issued statement by the coalition.
Union of Kurdish Students in Syria-UKSS
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