LCC-Statement: Ein Jahr nach der Entführung

Ein Jahr nach der Entführung unserer Kollegin und Freundin Razan Zaitouneh mit ihren drei MitarbeiterInnen Wael Hamadah, Samira al-Khalil und Nazim al Hammadi klagt das AktivistInnen-Netzwerk der LCC die Entführer in einem Statement stark an. Sie hätten sich mit der Entführung ein Stigma aufgeladen und die Revolution verraten, denn die Entführung der „Douma 4“, drei […]

Ein Jahr nach der Entführung unserer Kollegin und Freundin Razan Zaitouneh mit ihren drei MitarbeiterInnen Wael Hamadah, Samira al-Khalil und Nazim al Hammadi klagt das AktivistInnen-Netzwerk der LCC die Entführer in einem Statement stark an. Sie hätten sich mit der Entführung ein Stigma aufgeladen und die Revolution verraten, denn die Entführung der „Douma 4“, drei von den vier Entführten waren Gründungsmitglieder der AntivistInnen-Netzwerks, hätte der Assad-Diktatur mehr genutzt als den islamistischen Oppositionellen, die für die Tat verantwortlich gemacht werden.

Im Folgenden dokumentieren wir das Statement der Lokalen Koordinationskomitees in Syrien.

A Statement by The Local Coordination Committees in Syria
One Year on The Abduction of (Razan, Samera, Wael and Nazem)

When we have issued our first statement, almost a year ago, soon after the abduction of Razan Zaitouneh, Samera Khalil, Wael Hamadeh and Nazem Hammadi, we did not believe that we will have to repeat the same thing a year later. The whole time was spent quibbling in the same place, running around empty rings and exerting tremendous efforts from our side at the Local Coordination Committees, where three of the abductees are originally founders of LCC, in addition to many other initiatives by renowned individuals and influential organizations that all went in vain.

Insanity and recklessness have driven a delinquent party in an attempt of him to repress the voice of criticism and difference. Those should have been immediately confronted and dealt with before they captivate the criminal in the maze of his crime. He is pointlessly trying to get out of it and confusedly acting where he is denying it in the public and secretly negotiating under the condition of turning a blind eye to and remaining silent on his crime. He is being overwhelmed with it when, in fact, all that we have -just like the abductees- are our words. Meanwhile, the criminal claims the ownership of land and people and mistakenly thought that on his tiny tract, where he has built his kingdom, he can detain, kidnap and manipulate people without being held accountable or responsible.

But we are herewith standing in his face besides so many people holding him accountable as well as responsible and here he can see the consequences of delinquency. Here is what we have been saying for an entire year becoming true; that this crime turned to a stigma surrounding the one who committed it. The four abductees have become the ones who are imprisoning the new dictator who has not learned from the other tyrant that ruled the entire nation; not just a town or a finite piece of land; and now he is being burnt by the flames of freedom. The liberty for which the four abductees worked so hard and they will be free in spite of all the nonsense and severity, they will continue their path towards freedom and they will forget this shameful act where some of the proclaimed anti-Assad parties abducted four of the revolution’s icons who started the throe against Assad.

Eventually, we do not need to repeat any of the things that have been said during this year on this matter: the abductees must be released immediately, yesterday not today, for the sake of their families in the first place and for the benefit of the revolution that is being criticized for every mistake by the unjust honkers who only see the straw in its eye but not the bloody stick in the eye’s of Bashar Assad.

Local Coordination Committees

Mehr Information zu den Douma 4…

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